Multi-espresso machine, multi-capsule
Coffee machine suitable for 9 types of capsules available on the market
Comes with 5 interchangeable capsule adapters compatible with the following capsules:
1. Nespresso® *
2. Dolce Gusto® *
3. Lavazza Blue® *
4. Lavazza Modo Mio® *
5. Caffitali® *
6. Tchibo Cafissimo® *
7. Jacobs® (Small capsules only) *
8. Lor® *
9. ESE® * coffee pods
1 ground coffee adapter with 2 replaceable ground / powder coffee filters to prepare:
• Small filter: Espresso / Small coffee / Tea in 44mm sachets
• Large filter: Caffee lungo / Big coffee
Easy operation with only 3 buttons
• Espresso / Small Coffee
• Caffee lungo / Big coffee
• Enable / Disable
A professional 19 bar pump guarantees a more intense and tastier coffee
Short heat up time to work: 20 seconds
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