






  • 18,00 € - 73,00 €

Joonistamiseks ja maalimiseks

Meie joonistamis- ja maalimistarvete valikust leiate kõik, mida teie laps vajab oma loomingulise potentsiaali avamiseks. Alates värvipliiatsitest ja akvarellidest kuni joonistuspaberite ja lõuenditeni - kõik tooted on kvaliteetsed ja ohutud. Joonistamine ja maalimine arendavad lapse loovust ja peenmotoorikat. Pakume laias valikus tarbeid, mis sobivad igas vanuses ja oskustasemel lastele. Laske oma lapsel väljendada oma loovust meie joonistamis- ja maalimistarvetega.

Aktiivsed filtrid

Joonistamiseks ja maalimiseks

Blackmoon (7239) Art Set for Painting 208 pcs + Suitcase

36,01 €

Painting set in a suitcase it has as 208 elements , including: a suitcase of 12 thick markers, 24 pencils, 24 wax crayons, 48 oil pastels, 18 colors of watercolor paints, 24 markers, 1 ruler, 30 paperclips, 1 brush, 1 sharpener, eraser, 4 clips, 1 pencil, 1 palette, 1 glue, 15 A4 sheets, 1 sponge.

Joonistamiseks ja maalimiseks

Blackmoon (5611) Art Set for Painting 143 pcs + Suitcase

52,64 €
Artistic set for painting is a huge selection of many elements, thanks to which the child will create extremely creative, imaginative and original works of art. The art set for children contains many elements, including: 60 wax crayons, 24 pastels, 24 colored pencils, 24 watercolors, plus 2 brushes, a sharpener, 2 pieces of sandpaper, an eraser, two HB and 2B pencils. With such a wide range of pieces to choose from, your child will develop their imagination and surely produce creative works. The art set for painting is an ideal alternative for parents who care about their children\'s development. All elements of the art set for painting are contained in a special wooden box. It makes carrying the contents very easy and convenient. The set can easily be taken with you, for example to school

Joonistamiseks ja maalimiseks

Blackmoon (9176) Art Set for Painting 168 pcs + Suitcase

35,14 €

168 ELEMENTS - With a huge selection of 24 pencils, 24 markers, 48 ​​oil crayons, 48 ​​wax crayons, 12 watercolors, a sharpener, glue, concealer, eraser, A4 sheets, we can easily create the most exquisite, creative and original works.
PRACTICAL SUITCASE - everything fits into a suitcase, making transporting all contents simple and convenient.

number of elements in a set: 168
dimensions of the folded suitcase (length / width / height): 39 / 3.5 / 33cm
weight: 0.92 kg

24 pencils
48 oil crayons
48 wax crayons
24 markers
12 watercolors
5 paintable sheets