Väike kodutehnika

Väikekodutehnika on mitmekülgne valik seadmeid, mis muudavad igapäevaelu lihtsamaks ja mugavamaks. Olgu selleks blender, tolmuimeja või röster, väikekodutehnika pakub praktilisi lahendusi erinevatele vajadustele ning sobib suurepäraselt kompaktsesse koduruumi. Väikekodutehnika on mõeldud selleks, et täita spetsiifilisi ülesandeid koduses keskkonnas ning pakkuda tarbijatele efektiivseid ja funktsionaalseid lahendusi. Olenemata sellest, kas vajate kohvimasinat, veekeetjat või saumikserit, väikekodutehnika aitab teil valmistada maitsvaid jooke, hõlpsasti segada koostisosi või täita muid igapäevaseid ülesandeid köögis ja mujal koduses keskkonnas.

Aktiivsed filtrid

Triikrauad ja triikimissüsteemid

Adler AD 5030 Steam iron 3000W

AD 5030
51,56 €

Power 1800-2200W
Maximum power 3000W
Ceramic solepate
Burst of steam 70g/min.
Steam ironing 20g/min.
Spray 0,5g/shoot
Anti-calc filter
Large water tank 310ml
Power supply 220-240V 50/60Hz


Adler AD 7044 Cordless Vacuum cleaner 250W

AD 7044
105,71 €

Hand-held vacuum cleaner ADLER AD 7044 is a professional device with high-efficiency ideal for convenient cleaning of many rooms and the interior of the car. The wall mount is included with the device . The device is also equipped with the TURBO function that can help you get that hard to clean dust from carpets and upholstery. Thanks o the built light you can find even the smallest pieces of dirt. And you can clean up to 40 minutes allowing to clean the whole apartment.

Power: 120W
Max Power: 250W
TURBO button
Max Work time: up to 40 Min
Loading time: around 4,5 h
Battery capacity: 2200 mAh
Dust capacity: 0,8L
Brush with LED light
Suction Power : ≥8.5KPa
Wall mount
3 cleaning attachments:
Crevice nozzle,
2in1 oval brush,
1 electro brush



SVC 190W
56,12 €

Rechargeable vacuum cleaner
Wet & Dry vacuuming
Up to 15 min. operation time
Washable permanent filter
LED charge indicator
Accessories: brush nozzle, crevice nozzle,
attachment for wet vacuuming
Charging base - free standing/wall mountable
NiMH rechargeable battery 7.2 V (6x 1400 mAh)
Noise level 80 dB
Power 45 W
Dimensions (length x width x height): 380 x 100 x 122 mm