Suur kodutehnika
Väike kodutehnika
Väike köögitehnika
TV, Audio-Video
Telefonid ja tarvikud
Arvutid ja IT-tehnika
Kodu ja aed
- Elektriseadmed
- Elektriadapterid ja kinnitused
- Elektrikaablid
- Toiteallikad ja patareid
- Pistikupesad ja lülitid
- Uksekellad
- Päikeseenergia
- Konnektorid ja riviklemmid
- Fonolukud ja tarvikud
- Kinnitusdetailid
- Juhtimise pultid
- Vattomeetrid, mõõturid, indikaatorid
- AC/DC ventilaatorid
- Mõõtmisseadmed
- Elektroonilised komponendid
- Elektrilised kontaktosad
- Pistikud, pistikupesad, adapterid
Vaba aeg ja huvid
Ilu ja tervis
Santehnika ja remont
Sport ja fitness
Mööbel ja tekstil
Piljard ja mängulauad
Kätte täna KIIRE TARNE
Tasuta tarne
53,00 € - 66,00 €
Espresso-ja Kohvimasinad
Espresso- ja kohvimasinad on tõelised kodukohviku võlurid, mis võimaldavad meil valmistada rikkalikke ja aromaarseid kohvijooke otse oma kodus. Nende täpne rõhu reguleerimine, erinevad kohvi valmistamise programmiseaded ja kvaliteetsed jahvatusteed tagavad, et saame nautida täiuslikult tasakaalustatud ja maitsvaid espressosid, cappuccinosid või lattesid, täiustades meie kohvinautimise kogemust igal hommikul või erilisel hetkel.
1-2 kuvatud 2-st
Aktiivsed filtrid
- Kaubamärk: ADLER
Espresso-ja Kohvimasinad
Adler AD 4407 Coffee Maker 0.7L
AD 4407
53,01 €
An efficient drip coffee maker rated at 550 W. The glass jug with a ergonomic handle allows to make 0,7 L of coffee at one go. A keep-warm plate allows to keep stable temperature of the glass jug, so that coffee tasty flavours are preserved longer. The drip coffee maker is also equipped with a water tank with water level window, that helps you prepare exactly as much coffee as you wish. In order to make the coffee maker more comfortable in operating, it is equipped with an anti-drip valve. For more safety it is equipped with an overheat protection. Another advantage is its removable permanent filter that can be removed from the appliance and cleaned quickly and easily. Drip coffee maker AD 4407 is easy-to-use, functional and easy to keep clean. This coffee maker is desighned to use paper f
Espresso-ja Kohvimasinad
Adler AD 4478 Milk frother - heater 500W
AD 4478
65,94 €
Latte milk frother is a very useful device that will start a smile on a face of every person who enjoys drinking a good latte or cappuccino, as well as it will be a great gift to those who adore hot chocolate. It turns the process of preparing a delicate milk froth into something really easy. The CR4478 model can froth the milk (up to 115ml at one go) or heat the milk up (up to 240ml at one go). Both functions can be used at the same time. The device is made of high-quality materials that guarantee its firmness.
For preparing frothed milk and hot chocolate
It froths cold and warm milk
You can froth and heat at the same time
Stainless steel housing, non-stick coating inside
High quality
Elegant design
Easy to clean
360-degree system that enables any adjustment of the container on the base