
Lisatarvikud TV, Audio-Video maailmas avavad uusi võimalusi meelelahutuseks ja audiovisuaalseks naudinguks. Olgu selleks kõlaristatiivid, kaugjuhtimispuldid, HDMI-kaablid või seinakinnitused, need lisatarvikud täiendavad ja täiustavad teie seadmete funktsionaalsust ning aitavad luua kodus tõelise meelelahutuskeskuse. Lisatarvikud aitavad teil nautida suurepärast heli ja kristallselget pilti, muutes teie koduse kino- või helisüsteemi tõeliselt professionaalseks ja mugavaks.

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Philips SDV6222/12 Digital TV antenna with amplification up to 48 dB. For indoor use. (HDTV / UHF / VHF / FM)

68,56 €
High quality digital image and sound Antenna with 48 dB amplifier Rooms 48 dB amplification HDTV / UHF / VHF / FM Enhance the signal up to 48 dB amplification. The 48 dB gain improves the weak signal by extending the reception range and allowing more signals to be received at a greater distance. Adjustable boost control and power LEDs Lets you easily improve the capture range. Compact design The compact design of the antenna will easily fit into the home design. Noise Reduction Filter for signal loss. Noise Reduction Filter protects against signal loss. Adjustable VHF dipoles for easy setup. 180 ° rotating radius with 90 ° tilt allows for easy adjustment of the VHF element to the maximum signal perception. ON / OFF switch and 3-step gain control. Provides ease of use. There are 3 enhanceme
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Philips SDV6224/12 Digital TV antenna with amplification up to 42 dB. For indoor use. (HDTV / UHF / VHF / FM)

67,08 €

Antenna with 42 dB amplifier
42 dB amplifier
Enhance the signal up to 42 dB amplification. Enhancement up to 42 dB improves the low signal, extends the reception range and allows you to capture more signals at longer distances. Unique flat design This antenna will easily fit into the home design. The wall mount allows you to conveniently position the antenna so that it captures the maximum signal and can not see High-quality noise filtering against signal lossThe highest quality noise filtering protects against signal loss. Adjustable gain control and current LED Lets you easily improve the capture range.

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