






  • 52,00 € - 56,00 €


Vahvlimasinad on suurepärased seadmed, mis võimaldavad meil valmistada maitsvaid ja krõbedaid vahvleid mugavalt oma kodus. Nende erinevad temperatuuriseaded ja küpsetusplaadid tagavad ühtlase küpsemise ning võimaldavad meil saavutada just meie eelistustele vastava vahvlitulemuse. Nende kompaktsed ja stiilsed disainid lisavad köögile elegantsust ning nende lihtne kasutamine ja puhastamine muudavad vahvlimasinad suurepäraseks valikuks nii igapäevaseks maiustuste valmistamiseks kui ka pidulikeks sündmusteks.

Aktiivsed filtrid

  • Saadavus: Laos
  • Kaubamärk: ADLER


Adler AD 3039 Nut Maker (24 pcs) XL

AD 3039
55,85 €

You can bake 24 peanut cookie halves in one batch.
Non-stick coated plates.
Quick baking in up to 2 minutes per cycle.
Bakelite body.
Thermally insulated handles
Cover with a latch.
Control lamp.
Non-slip feet.
220-240 V, ~ 50/60 Hz
Power: 1400 W
Maximum power: 1600 W


Adler AD 3038 Waffle maker 1500W

AD 3038
52,77 €

The AD 3038 wafer maker is appreciated by lovers of fresh wafers, which pleasantly crunch during eating. Thanks to the Cone maker you gain the opportunity to prepare a delicious dessert in just a few moments needed to mix the dough and heat the plates. In this way, when you find that you feel like something sweet, you can always bake wafers - and either eat it by itself or choose other ingredients for it. In the latter option, it is particularly useful to bake wafer cones for ice cream and fruit desserts, as well as tubes that you fill with a delicious cream. Bon Appetit!

Large heating plates - diameter 18cm
Non-stick coating
Smooth temperature regulation
Forming cone included
You can prepare:
wafer cones for ice creams
wafer tubes and bowls
Max power 1500W
Nominal Power 750W