Kodutarbed on vajalikud igas majapidamises, pakkudes praktilisi lahendusi ja esteetilisi aksessuaare. Meie valikust leiad kõike alates köögitarvikutest ja koristusvahenditest kuni dekoratiivsete elementide ja korraldustoodeteni. Kõik tooted on kvaliteetsed ja vastupidavad, aidates sul luua mugava ja funktsionaalse kodu. Kodutarbed sobivad igasse interjööri ja täiendavad sinu elamispinda. Naudi kodukorraldust ja -kaunistamist meie praktiliste ja stiilsete kodutarvetega. Täienda oma kodu meie laia valiku kodutoodetega.
Concept CP2000 steam cleaner Portable steam cleaner 0.4 L 1500 W...
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Blackmoon (0721) 4in1 - clock, mirror ,alarm and thermometer
Termomeetrid, taimerid
Seek Thermal SW-AAA thermal imaging camera Black, Grey Built-in...
Termomeetrid, taimerid
Flir E5 Pro Thermal imaging camera 160 x 120 Black
Pleedid, padjad
Adler AD 7425 electric blanket 60 W Grey Polyester
Black & Decker FSM1605 steam cleaner Steam mop 0.35 L 1300 W White
Concept CP2000 steam cleaner Portable steam cleaner 0.4 L 1500 W Turquoise, White
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Blackmoon (0721) 4in1 - clock, mirror ,alarm and thermometer
4in1 - clock, mirror alarm and thermometer! All in one compact device. The alarm clock is equipped with a mirrored front on which information such as time and temperature are displayed. Compact dimensions and light weight will allow you to take it on a trip. It is also perfect for sleeping in a tent, where the mirrored front allows for quick make-up and hairstyles
Powered by USB cable (included)
THERMOMETER - the product has the option of displaying the temperature in the room; she is displayed in Celsius or Fahrenheit.
material: plastic;
dimensions (width / height): 19x10cm;
weight: 0.15 kg