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Aktiivsed filtrid


Adler AD 4449W Electric Salt and Pepper Grinder - USB

AD 4449W
56,86 €

Ceramic burrs
Adjustable grind coarseness
Spice containers capacity: 150ml
Base with a large chrome button - easy to use
ABS plastic housing
Backlight during operation
Automatic switch off after 3 minutes
Charging time: 2.5 hours
Charging indicator
A full charge provides 120 minutes of continuous use
Operation time after full charging: up to 4 months
Auto shut off after: 3 minutes
Lithium battery: 1500mAh
Power supply: DC3.7V~ 1.5A, 7W
Charging: USB-C to USB-A
In set: base, 3 exchangeable grinders, USB charging cable
Device size:26.3cm (height), 8cm (width), 8cm (depth)
Tray size:24.8cm (width), 9.5cm (depth), 2.5cm (height)


Smile SNS-3 Set of knifes with stand 5pcs

52,89 €

The SNS-3 knife set consists of 5 elements and a round block for easy storage. Knives guarantee comfort of use, thanks to non-slip handles and steel, non-stick blades. Importantly, the block attached to the set can be used to store not only steel but also ceramic knives.

Set contains:

block for knives with insert
chef’s knife with a blade length of 20 cm
a bread knife with a blade length of 20 cm
universal knife with a blade length of 20 cm
kitchen knife with a blade length of 13 cm
vegetable knife with a blade length of 9.5 cm


Esperanza EN104 Paper shredder without basket

50,94 €

Paper shredder, Esperanza BLADE. Efficiently shreds up to 5 sheets of A4 size paper (80g) at a time, turning documents into shreds with a width of approx. 7 mm. The shredder is equipped with a safety lock and a thermal switch.
The set does not include a waste basket.

External dimensions (folded): 65 H x 120 D x 270 width [mm]

Any waste basket with a width of 280 mm ÷ 360 mm can be used with the shredder