Ilu ja tervis

Ilu ja tervis on sügavalt põimunud, hõlmates laia valikut tooteid ja teenuseid, mis toetavad keha ja vaimu tasakaalu, edendades üldist heaolu. Meie valikusse kuuluvad nahahooldustooted, ilutooted ja juuksehooldustooted, mis võimaldavad sul hoolitseda enda eest, säilitades enesekindluse ja tervise. Samuti pakume kvaliteetseid tervisetooted, mis aitavad toetada sinu heaolu igapäevaselt. Olgu sul vajadus nahahoolduse, juuksehoolduse või ilutoodete järele, siin, meie tervisetoodete poes, leiad kindlasti midagi, mis vastab su ootustele ja vajadustele. Tule avasta meie mitmekesist valikut ja leia just see, mida oled otsinud – kõik ilu, tervise ja heaolu jaoks ühest kohast!

Aktiivsed filtrid


Camry CR 2322 hair straightener 300W

CR 2322
36,18 €

Ceramic-tourmaline coating of the plates - effectively prevents static in the hair
Heating plates size: 11cm x 2,5cm
Floating plates
Rapid heating
Temperature indicator: LED diodes
Diode color: white
Digital temperature control
4 temperature settings: 150°C, 170°C, 190°C, 230°C
Closing lock
Swivel cord 360°
Power cable length: 180cm
Automatic shutdown after 40 minutes
Power supply: 220-240V ~50/60Hz
Nominal power: 50W
Maximum power: 300W



33,17 €

You can style your hair perfectly with our new Esperanza Jessica curler and there is no need to go to the hairdresser any more. You can do the perfect hairstyle for any occasion and avoid strutting and electrifying hair. The curler is equipped with a mixed-bristle brush having a diameter of 50 mm, which rotates in both directions to facilitate modelling. Three-level flow-air temperature control allows for excellent fitting to your hair. It will work perfectly to do even the toughest hairstyle. HOT-AIR ROTATING HAIR STYLER FAST AND COMFORTABLE EASY AND CONVINIENT USE FOR EVERY KIND OF HAIR 3 HEAT LEVELS TWO WAYS ROTATING MAX POWER 1000W