Ilu ja tervis
Ilu ja tervis on sügavalt põimunud, hõlmates laia valikut tooteid ja teenuseid, mis toetavad keha ja vaimu tasakaalu, edendades üldist heaolu. Meie valikusse kuuluvad nahahooldustooted, ilutooted ja juuksehooldustooted, mis võimaldavad sul hoolitseda enda eest, säilitades enesekindluse ja tervise. Samuti pakume kvaliteetseid tervisetooted, mis aitavad toetada sinu heaolu igapäevaselt. Olgu sul vajadus nahahoolduse, juuksehoolduse või ilutoodete järele, siin, meie tervisetoodete poes, leiad kindlasti midagi, mis vastab su ootustele ja vajadustele. Tule avasta meie mitmekesist valikut ja leia just see, mida oled otsinud – kõik ilu, tervise ja heaolu jaoks ühest kohast!
Parfüümid ja lõhnad
Angel Schlesser Les Eaux D'Un Instant Blooming Grapefruit Eau De...
Adler AD 2248W Hair dryer 2400W
Power: 1800-2200W
Max power: 2400W
ION function with switch and control lamp
2 speed settings
3 temperature settings
Cool shoot function
Hang-up loop
Power cord 1,8m
Product size: 22.3cm x 9.5cm x 27cm
Sencor SHP 0450BK Hair Clipper
Exceptionally quiet professional high-speed motor ensures comfortable trimming of even dense whiskers, hair and beards.
Stainless steel blades
3 replaceable height attachments 1 / 3 / 5 mm
Ergonomic handle prevents slipping in the hand
Device powered from the mains when charging
Device is powered immediately from the mains when charging, therefore it is not necessary to wait until the battery is fully charged.
Battery-powered operation time of 45 minutes
Rapid charging technology provides a full charge in just 2 hours
ON/OFF switch
Built-in Li-Ion battery with capacity of 500 mAh
Supplied accessories:
3 Guiding Combs 1, 3, 5 mm
Micro USB with Charger
USB Adapter
Cleaning Brush
Length of power cord: 105 cm
Weight: 103 g
Dimensions (height × depth × width): 165 × 50 × 37 mm