White digital LCD display
Dimmensions of the device: 21.2Cmx2,9Cmx13,9Cm
Outdoor and indoor temperature reading
Outdoor and indoor humidity reading
Weather forecast
Time and date display
2-time alarms
2-temperature alerts
Celsius and Fahrenheit temperature display
The device is powered by 3xAAA batteries and 220-240V 50 / 60Hz mains power
Frequency 433.99 MHz
White digital LCD display
Dimmensions of the device: 21.2Cmx2,9Cmx13,9Cm
Outdoor and indoor temperature reading
Outdoor and indoor humidity reading
Weather forecast
Time and date display
2-time alarms
2-temperature alerts
Celsius and Fahrenheit temperature display
The device is powered by 3xAAA batteries and 220-240V 50 / 60Hz mains power
Frequency 433.99 MHz