




  • 37,00 € - 48,00 €

Список товаров по бренду DURACELL

Активные фильтры

Duracell MN 1500 Plus Power...
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Duracell MN 1500 Plus Power AA (LR6) Blister pack 4pcs

39,17 €

Duracell is the world leader in high-performance alkaline and special batteries, as well as batteries. Up to 70% more charge
AA Batteries (test results using LR06 Power Supplies based on the International Standard for Minimum Average Intervals of the IEC (2015) for digital audio devices).

Duracell MN 27 (LR27)...
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Duracell MN 27 (LR27) Blister Pack 1pcs

37,76 €

Duracell MN27 durable special alkaline batteries are great for medical devices (thermometer, blood glucose meter, blood pressure monitor), security devices (bank card readers, alarm transmitters), toys (small toys, children\'s books), and other electronics (wrist hours, calculator, laser pointer, anti-lay collar with spray system). Duralock technology ensures charge safety for up to 5 years with proper storage.

Duracell MN 2400 Plus Power...
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Duracell MN 2400 Plus Power AAA (LR03) Blister Pack 4pcs

39,17 €

Duracell is the world leader in high-performance alkaline and special batteries, as well as batteries. Up to 70% more charge
AAA Batteries (test results using LR03 Power Supplies based on the International Standard for Minimum Average Intervals of the IEC (2015) for digital audio devices).

Duracell MN 21 (LR23)...
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Duracell MN 21 (LR23) Blister Pack 2pcs

38,25 €

Duracell MN21 durable special alkaline batteries are great for medical devices (thermometer, blood glucose meter, blood pressure monitor), security devices (bank card readers, alarm transmitters), toys (small toys, children\'s books), and other electronics (wrist hours, calculator, laser pointer, anti-lay collar with spray system). Duralock technology ensures charge safety for up to 5 years with proper storage.

Duracell MN 9100 (N)...
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Duracell MN 9100 (N) Blister Pack 2pcs

38,43 €

Duracell is the world leader in high-performance alkaline and special batteries, as well as batteries. Up to 70% more charge
AA Batteries (test results using LR06 Power Supplies based on the International Standard for Minimum Average Intervals of the IEC (2015) for digital audio devices)

Duracell Precharged HR03...
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Duracell Precharged HR03 900MAH ALWAYS READY Blister Pack 4pcs.

46,64 €

Аккумуляторы Duracell позволяют совершать до 400 перезарядок, а благодаря долговечному ионному ядру Вы получите потрясающий заряд энергии в каждой батарейке. Они продаются уже заряженными, потому Вы можете начать их использование сразу же после приобретения. Неиспользованный заряд сохраняется до 12 месяцев. Аккумуляторы Duracell гарантированно прослужат Вам до 5 лет. Эти мощные никель-металлгидридные аккумуляторы (NiMH) совместимы с любыми зарядными устройствами такого же типа. Благодаря долговечному заряду и редкой потребности в перезарядке аккумуляторы Duracell Turbo и в самом деле выделяются среди остальных батареек.

Duracell Precharged HR03...
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Duracell Precharged HR03 900MAH ALWAYS READY Blister Pack 2pcs.

42,64 €

Duracell batteries allow you to make up to 400 recharges, and thanks to the long-lasting ionic core you will get a tremendous charge of energy in each battery. They are sold already charged, so you can start using them immediately after purchase. Unused charge lasts up to 12 months. Duracell batteries are guaranteed to serve you up to 5 years. These powerful nickel-metal hydride batteries (NiMH) are compatible with any charger of the same type. Due to the long-lasting charge and the rare need for recharging, Duracell Turbo batteries really stand out among the other batteries.

Duracell Precharged HR6...
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Duracell Precharged HR6 2500MAH ALWAYS READY Blister Pack 4pcs.

47,21 €

Duracell batteries allow you to make up to 400 recharges, and thanks to the long-lasting ionic core you will get a tremendous charge of energy in each battery. They are sold already charged, so you can start using them immediately after purchase. Unused charge lasts up to 12 months. Duracell batteries are guaranteed to serve you up to 5 years. These powerful nickel-metal hydride batteries (NiMH) are compatible with any charger of the same type. Due to the long-lasting charge and the rare need for recharging, Duracell Turbo batteries really stand out among the other batteries.

Duracell Precharged HR6...
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Duracell Precharged HR6 2500MAH ALWAYS READY Blister Pack 2pcs.

42,64 €

Duracell batteries allow you to make up to 400 recharges, and thanks to the long-lasting ionic core you will get a tremendous charge of energy in each battery. They are sold already charged, so you can start using them immediately after purchase. Unused charge lasts up to 12 months. Duracell batteries are guaranteed to serve you up to 5 years. These powerful nickel-metal hydride batteries (NiMH) are compatible with any charger of the same type. Due to the long-lasting charge and the rare need for recharging, Duracell Turbo batteries really stand out among the other batteries.